Message type: Error
Message text: The entity 'SMTAPP.XfForms' has a mapping definition for the target database with driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' but there's no target element specified in the mapping.'
Source: SMTAPP.XfForms
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open 'SMTAPP.XfForms' in its editor and manually map the entity to a target.
Choice 2: Auto-map 'SMTAPP.XfForms' onto a new or matching existing target in relational model data for database 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)'
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of sub-element 'Id' of entity 'SMTAPP.XfForms' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: There's no target field defined for this mapping
Source: SMTAPP.XfForms mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XfForms' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of sub-element 'Name' of entity 'SMTAPP.XfForms' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: There's no target field defined for this mapping
Source: SMTAPP.XfForms mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XfForms' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of sub-element 'XfModulyId' of entity 'SMTAPP.XfForms' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: There's no target field defined for this mapping
Source: SMTAPP.XfForms mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XfForms' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of entity 'SMTAPP.XfForms' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: No mapping target has been specified
Source: SMTAPP.XfForms mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XfForms' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The entity 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' has a mapping definition for the target database with driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' but there's no target element specified in the mapping.'
Source: SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' in its editor and manually map the entity to a target.
Choice 2: Auto-map 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' onto a new or matching existing target in relational model data for database 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)'
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of sub-element 'Id' of entity 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: There's no target field defined for this mapping
Source: SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of sub-element 'Pravo' of entity 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: There's no target field defined for this mapping
Source: SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of sub-element 'XfFormId' of entity 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: There's no target field defined for this mapping
Source: SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of sub-element 'XfUzivId' of entity 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: There's no target field defined for this mapping
Source: SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Error
Message text: The mapping of entity 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following errors:
- MappedTarget: No mapping target has been specified
Source: SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XpFormsUzivs' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'TachometerKonecStav' of entity 'SMTAPP.EfStazka' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.EF_STAZKA.TACHOMETER_KONEC_STAV' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'TachometerKonecStav' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.EfStazka mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.EfStazka' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'TachometerZaciatStav' of entity 'SMTAPP.EfStazka' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.EF_STAZKA.TACHOMETER_ZACIAT_STAV' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'TachometerZaciatStav' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.EfStazka mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.EfStazka' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'VykonStroja' of entity 'SMTAPP.EfStazka' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.EF_STAZKA.VYKON_STROJA' is set to 'False' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'VykonStroja' is set to 'True'
Source: SMTAPP.EfStazka mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.EfStazka' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'Koniec' of entity 'SMTAPP.EpVetaJazdy' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.EP_VETA_JAZDY.KONIEC' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'Koniec' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.EpVetaJazdy mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.EpVetaJazdy' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'Oz' of entity 'SMTAPP.XfFirms' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XF_FIRMS.OZ' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'Oz' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XfFirms mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XfFirms' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'FirmName' of entity 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XV_FIRMS_UZIVS.FIRM_NAME' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'FirmName' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'Name' of entity 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XV_FIRMS_UZIVS.NAME' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'Name' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'OzPredv' of entity 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XV_FIRMS_UZIVS.OZ_PREDV' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'OzPredv' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'Surename' of entity 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XV_FIRMS_UZIVS.SURENAME' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'Surename' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'Username' of entity 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XV_FIRMS_UZIVS.USERNAME' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'Username' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XvFirmsUziv' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'MenuNazov' of entity 'SMTAPP.XvUzivMenu' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XV_UZIV_MENU.MENU_NAZOV' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'MenuNazov' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XvUzivMenu mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XvUzivMenu' in its editor and manually correct the errors.
Message type: Warning
Message text: DZ0009: The mapping of sub-element 'UzivMeno' of entity 'SMTAPP.XvUzivMenu' for the target database with the driver 'Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c Driver (ODP.NET)' has the following issue:
The IsNullable flag on target field 'SMTAPP.XV_UZIV_MENU.UZIV_MENO' is set to 'True' while the IsOptional flag of the mapped field 'UzivMeno' is set to 'False'
Source: SMTAPP.XvUzivMenu mapping
Created on: 25. augusta 2015 15:52
Choice 1: Open containing element 'SMTAPP.XvUzivMenu' in its editor and manually correct the errors.