Príkaz jazyka PL/SQL.
(recordgroup_id RecordGroup,
row_number NUMBER);
(recordgroup_name VARCHAR2,
row_number NUMBER);
Adds a row to the given record group.
Built-in Type unrestricted procedure
Enter Query Mode yes
- recordgroup_id The unique ID that Form Builder assigns when it creates the group. The data type of the ID is RecordGroup.
- recordgroup_name The name you gave to the record group when creating it. The data type of the name is VARCHAR2.
- row_number A whole number that specifies a row in the group. If you add a row to any but the last position in a group, all rows below that are logically renumbered. To add a row to the end of a group, use the END_OF_GROUP constant.
Error Conditions
Form Builder returns a runtime error given either of the following conditions:
- If you enter the name of a non-existent record group.
- If you supply a row number that is out of range or is invalid (for example, an alphabetic character).
** Built-in: ADD_GROUP_ROW
** Example: Add ten rows to a new record group and populate.
PROCEDURE Populate_My_Group IS
rg_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'My_Group';
rg_col1 VARCHAR2(20) := rg_name||'.NumCol';
rg_col2 VARCHAR2(20) := rg_name||'.CharCol';
rg_id RecordGroup;
gc_id GroupColumn;
in_words VARCHAR2(15);
** Check to see if Record Group already exists
rg_id := Find_Group( rg_name );
** If it does, then clear all the rows from the group and
** populate ten rows with the numbers from 1..10 along
** with the equivalent number in words.
** Row# NumCol CharCol
** ---- ------ -------
** 1 1 one
** 2 2 two
** : : :
** 10 10 ten
IF NOT Id_Null(rg_id) THEN
Delete_Group_Row( rg_id, ALL_ROWS );
FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
** Add the i-th Row to the end (bottom) of the
** record group, and set the values of the two cells
in_words := TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i,'YYYY'),'year');
Add_Group_Row( rg_id, END_OF_GROUP );
Set_Group_Number_Cell( rg_col1, i, i);
Set_Group_Char_Cell( rg_col2, i, in_words);
** Built-in: ADD_GROUP_ROW
** Example: Add ten rows to a new record group and populate.
PROCEDURE Populate_My_Group IS
rg_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'My_Group';
rg_col1 VARCHAR2(20) := rg_name||'.NumCol';
rg_col2 VARCHAR2(20) := rg_name||'.CharCol';
rg_id RecordGroup;
gc_id GroupColumn;
in_words VARCHAR2(15);
** Check to see if Record Group already exists
rg_id := Find_Group( rg_name );
** If it does, then clear all the rows from the group and
** populate ten rows with the numbers from 1..10 along
** with the equivalent number in words.
** Row# NumCol CharCol
** ---- ------ -------
** 1 1 one
** 2 2 two
** : : :
** 10 10 ten
IF NOT Id_Null(rg_id) THEN
Delete_Group_Row( rg_id, ALL_ROWS );
FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
** Add the i-th Row to the end (bottom) of the
** record group, and set the values of the two cells
in_words := TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i,'YYYY'),'year');
Add_Group_Row( rg_id, END_OF_GROUP );
Set_Group_Number_Cell( rg_col1, i, i);
Set_Group_Char_Cell( rg_col2, i, in_words);